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SEO Elements That Boost Organic Traffic


Search engine optimization (SEO) revolves around optimizing your website’s ranking on search engine results. It may sound technical, but SEO involves a holistic effort from your entire marketing team to be successful. Did you know that 51% of all website traffic comes from organic search? With an impressive number like that, brands need to understand that the first position on Google is incredibly essential for your website’s traffic. While merely ranking on Google’s first page may satisfy some brands, fighting tooth and nail for that first position should remain on your radar. Don’t believe us? On the first page alone, the first five organic results account for 67.60% of all the clicks and the results from the remaining positions make up only 3.73% of clicks.

So, in other words, raising your organic search traffic will be crucial for your website’s growth. But how do we achieve this goal? Through search engine optimization! Let’s help build your digital marketing knowledge by teaching you about three foundational SEO components.

1) SEO Content is STILL Key

Content has solidified its place as the center of all digital marketing efforts. If your website’s content does not resonate with users, they will exit and likely never return. Google has offered a strategy model called Micro-Moments, where they identify key reasons why users view websites – “know, go, do or buy.”

According to Google’s theory, websites should gear their content towards one or more of these goals. What does your website offer that will expand your customer’s knowledge? What can your website do to make them go and do something? Simple – you should reconsider the sales lifecycle.

Top-of-the-funnel occurs when a prospective customer becomes aware of your company. They’re conducting research or looking for an opinion. Conversely, the bottom-of-the-funnel is your chance to explain to your customers why your product and service will provide value. Show them how you differ from the competition.

Align all your content towards these stages, and you’re already on your way towards a successful SEO strategy. If the content that they find is engaging, educational, and valuable, then they will start to think the same things about your business.

2) Website Accessibility Will Increase Your Traffic

When creating and optimizing your website’s SEO content, always ask yourself, “What do I want my website to achieve for users? Am I addressing any questions my viewers might have?” If your users struggle to navigate your website, then they may not fully grasp the unique value your website has to offer. Make sure you have optimized your website for both desktop and mobile traffic – after all, most users search on their phones while on the go nowadays!

3) Improve Your Website’s E.A.T.

Google has acknowledged E.A.T. as a big factor in their ranking algorithms. Don’t worry – this acronym is easy to memorize. E.A.T. stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. In layman’s terms, it’s your website’s quality rating.

  • Expertise: Provide Users with research-backed information, written by credible experts and supported by scholarly sources.
  • Authoritativeness: Demonstrate that your reputation with credentials, reviews & testimonials, or third-party publications.
  • Trustworthiness: Prove to visitors that your website is safe, credible, and reliable through badges, certifications, and SSL certificates.

Google takes your users’ behavior into consideration when deciding how highly your website should rank. If Google sees that your users trust your website enough to refer to it again and again – even to the point of searching specifically for your website’s name – they will rank your site higher in search results. The acronym is fitting – if your users won’t E.A.T. what your website gives them, they won’t stay for long.

Further SEO Optimization for More Organic Website Traffic

Search engine optimization isn’t a one-and-done action – it should become an integral part of your overall strategy to grow your website’s audience. With these foundational components, you will build a strong foundation for an awesome user experience – and it will keep them coming back for more.

If you need help in building a great SEO strategy, look no further than Premiere Creative. We take pride in executing digital marketing campaigns that always keep our clients satisfied. Contact an SEO expert at Premiere Creative to learn about your business’ SEO solution. Dial (973) 346-8100 today to give your website’s on-page SEO an overhaul!