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Meet 2021 Marketing Goals with These New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions 2021

It’s almost that special time of the year again! There’s no denying that 2020 was a rough year with the coronavirus pandemic devastating. But the best thing we can all do is to push forward and take advantage of the clean slate 2021 awards us. A new year is always a great opportunity to start fresh to achieve your goals, to get inspired, and make overhauling changes to your web marketing strategy. As another year comes to an end, many of us gather up the remaining willpower to graft a new set of New Year’s Resolutions regarding digital marketing.

While it may seem daunting to stick to your goals, especially when your list of New Year’s Resolutions is as long as your website audit list, we recommend making easy resolutions that you think you can keep. To help you, Premiere Creative has rounded up four New Year’s resolutions that will help improve your digital marketing efforts for 2021 to increase ROI, drive sales, and strengthen brand awareness.

1) Re-Think Your Target Audience in 2021

Think small, not big, by targeting a niche group of prospects. Focusing on a smaller audience that aligns with your brand’s buyer personas will result in a more successful marketing strategy and better ROI. To find the perfect target audience, you will need to determine any overlapping similarities that your consumers already share.

Google Analytics allows brands to gather demographic details about your audience as they visit your website. Common characteristics that you should be on the lookout for are: location, age, gender, interests, etc.

By collecting this data, you can narrow down who the consumers that purchase the most are, and how you can continue to appeal to their specific needs with your products.

You can achieve your goals by investing time and money in creating lookalike audiences. Originally coined by Facebook, the term “lookalike audience” refers to a group of prospects that represents your perfect audience. This is an audience that is likely to be more engaged in your content and ads, leading you to higher conversions.

2) Give New Life to Your 2021 Content Strategy

Keep your web visitor’s attention is of the utmost importance to keep them on site. As such, having solid, consistent, and relevant website content is critical to your website’s success.

While we recommend having up-to-date content, it is also worth taking time into developing an evergreen content strategy. Some of the content you create will have a short lifespan, often within a few weeks. Since developing content can drain time and resources, focus on developing content that people will find useful a few weeks or months later. Avoid conducting keyword research the day you write your blog. Instead, plan ahead of time, so you can focus on blog writing and revisit your content strategy as needed. This will also be an opportunity to check if your audience’s searches or digital behavior has changed and adjusted accordingly.

3) Improve Your Page Speed in 2021

Page speed is becoming more relevant, one of the many factors that impact SEO page rankings. When pages have extended load times, the bounce rate may rise and/or create lower conversion rates. Creating a quick loading web page is paramount to cultivating brand loyalty. Consumers are complex and have varying levels of needs and expectations when seeking out brands. Therefore, having a webpage that has a long load time may cause visitors to click off or become frustrated with your brand. As a result, page speed should be one of your top 2021 priorities for your website.

4) Consider Personalization in Your 2021 Strategy

Developing close relationships with your customer base is an essential step in forging brand loyalty. Moreover, consumers have come to demand and expect relevant and personalized content and experience, both online and offline. Personalization essentially means interacting with a customer through content or software in a way that makes them feel your brand takes their interests into account. Companies tailor content for individual users depending on their characteristics and preferences gauged through data collection and analysis. Never forget that customers are your sales force, and therefore having a positive relationship with them, where they feel like their voice matters, helps create positive and long-lasting consumer relationships.

Looking to 2021 for a Fresh Start

These four 2021 New Year’s resolutions are by no means the only way that you can strengthen your digital presence this year. However, it will help you start the year off strong. If you would like expert guidance in planning out your digital strategy, contact us at Premiere Creative today! Call (973) 346-8100 today.