New business owners have a tendency to push boundaries, discover alternative methods to solve problems, and sail towards uncharted waters when making their brand a household name. While business owners work overtime to reach the top, this same eagerness inevitably leads to risks and mistakes online, especially in the early years of business development. As a top SEO and digital marketing agency, Premiere Creative often meets with new business owners and notices a common theme; most are apprehensive about investing in search engine optimization (SEO).
In essence, SEO uses various methods to improve a website’s rank on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, the exact determiner for search engine ranks eludes even the most seasoned marketers due to the fact that Google guards their algorithmic secrets under lock and key. As with any discipline, expertise in the field requires extensive training and time. Even when business owners believe they have a solid understanding of the process, Google will change the game with a new algorithm. This uncertainty, coupled with ranking volatility, leads many new business owners to discard SEO too early. They believe that they can climb the ranks without any assistance. Only after months of wasted time and little improvement in search rank do business owners come crawling back, ready to invest time and money into SEO.
How Do Blogs Help with SEO?
In the nascent stages of forming a brand, most small or medium-sized businesses have trouble allocating manpower and expenses to SEO strategies. Although major differences may not occur overnight, consistent work makes an astronomical difference in the long run. The first step to a solid SEO strategy involves creating content that satisfies visitors’ hunger for information or entertainment. Blogs work exceptionally well in providing users with great content that also imparts important information.
In order to appear high in search rankings, search engines want to see that visitors explore various sections of your website. If you scroll over to Google Analytics, you will notice a report labeled “bounce rate.” A web page’s bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who open a page on your website before exiting without any further action. Most often, a high bounce rate occurs for the following reasons:
- Misleading or click-bait titles
- Technical problems with your website
- Thin or low-quality content
Although not necessarily their own doing, businesses should keep their bounce rate as low as possible to improve their search rank. Luckily, blogging can keep visitors on websites longer as they read newfound information. Regardless of whether you answered your visitors’ questions or not, you want them to remain on your website and explore other pages and services you offer. Blogs offer the links and information that keep more visitors on your pages to avoid them jumping ship right away.
Content Driven Marketing
As marketing campaigns further entwine themselves with technology, traditional marketing methods may not be as effective as they were in the past. However, successful Internet businesses still rely on classic standbys like catering to client’s needs and offering excellent customer service along the way. Offering a service or product that a person needs remains the tried and true method for building brand loyalty.
So how does this relate to blogging? The big ideas for business growth remain the same. By offering your target market what they want, like the information they search for on Google, you will bolster your reputation as a reliable, expert source in the field. Users may then refer their friends to your website through word of mouth. In short, more web traffic leads to higher search rankings.
Providing the best content possible not only positions your brand as an industry thought leader, it also allows you to leverage keywords on search engines. Not too long ago, businesses would use black-hat SEO techniques, such as keyword stuffing, in an attempt to manipulate rankings. Today, search engines penalize any website attempting to use these deceitful techniques. But through blogging, you gain another opportunity to rank for keywords by creating posts focused on targeted words or phrases, while also offering your website visitor valuable information.
More importantly, Google rewards websites that produce fresh content; content on a regular basis. Blogging allows you to produce and publish more original work and pages on your website.
What If I Don’t Have Time to Blog?
The team at Premiere Creative understands how running a business can distract from creating new content. Unfortunately, effective marketing requires setting aside ample time. Marketing expert David Hinkle hit the nail on the head by explaining how “daily marketing increases your credibility, your brand familiarity and the likelihood of having your market think about you before they think about your competition.”
The best brands know their market. They know how to reach their target audience and maintain a consistent presence across a variety of platforms. Now you’re probably thinking—this is all well and good—but how can I put aside the necessary time to run my business and market it?
This is where Premiere Creative comes in. Rather than spending your time learning the foundation of SEO and creating high-quality content, you can take advantage of our SEO services. Founded on experience and success, Premiere Creative develops blogs and SEO-related content to help put your best foot forward on the world wide web. Contact Premiere Creative today to learn how your website can soar to the top of Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Feel free to pick up the phone and call us at (973) 346-8100.