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Tag: Email Marketing Agency

Win Back Emails

The Basics of Email Marketing

Imagine this: You’ve just made a purchase or casually browsed through a website, and the next thing you know, your inbox is greeted with a carefully curated email from the
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The Best Email Subject Lines to Engage Customers & Heighten Click-Through Rates

Despite its cost-effectiveness, many companies fail to see noticeable traction in email marketing. According to Campaign Monitor, the average email open rate reached 2.3% across all industries, which dropped by
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Spam Email

How to Prevent Emails from Going to Spam Folders

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for companies to reach their consumers and drive sales. According to Site-Seeker, 91% of consumers use email while 73% of business-to-business
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Cross-Sell Emails

Essential Email Automations: The Cross-Sell Series

Email automation has fundamentally changed the buyer journey because the data obtained through automation software like Klaviyo allows brands to predict customers’ needs. This invaluable data allows eCommerce brands to
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Pre-VIP Emails

Essential Email Automations: The Pre-VIP Series

Everyone wants to be a VIP. The grandiose feeling of importance, as well as receiving exclusive benefits, never gets old. By setting up a pre-VIP program for your eCommerce business,
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Cart Abandonment Emails

Essential Email Automations: The Cart Abandonment Series

It’s not uncommon for web visitors to add items to their cart and then forget about the product, abandoning the order altogether. One way to transform lost business and turn
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Browse Abandonment Emails

Essential Email Automations: The Browse Abandonment Series

One of the biggest struggles for all Direct-to-Consumer brands (DTC) is that 98% of your traffic fails to transact. Most companies focus too much time on their social media marketing,
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Email Marketing

Why Companies Need Email Marketing in 2021

Deeply challenged by the global pandemic, many small to mid-sized businesses struggle to stay afloat during this crisis on top of their pre-existing competitive business landscapes. One strategy to push
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Premiere Creative’s Top 10 Digital Marketing Posts of 2020

With the perpetual changes occurring in the digital marketing and advertising industry, it can feel challenging to keep up or prepare for new surprises lurking around the corner. Staying informed
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Unsubscribed Emails

5 Reasons Why People Unsubscribe From Your Emails

In 2020, thousands of digital marketing professionals still unanimously agree that email marketing is the most profitable marketing channel for maximum customer retention. A well-executed email marketing campaign is a
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