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Urban Planet

Industry: Fashion / eCommerce


  • Blogging
  • Google My Business
  • Influencer marketing
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media (Facebook)


The Challenge: Although Urban Planet had plenty of retail locations, less than 1% of their annual sales came from online due to their weak digital presence and visibility. As more and more people started to prefer shopping online rather than in stores, Urban Planet wanted to develop their online sale efforts rather than opening more physical locations to increase sales and expand. Digital marketing is a multi-faceted endeavor, however, and Urban Planet decided to connect with Premiere Creative for professional guidance on how to best optimize their efforts. 

The Solution: The goal was to build out all aspects of Urban Planet’s digital marketing strategy and gain a reputable online presence to keep up with the expectations of a modern customer. Premiere Creative set up the stage for success by developing a strategy with Urban Planet’s CEO and digital marketing team. By optimizing their Facebook marketing, Urban Planet gained over 2 million impressions and a 50% increase on follow rates. Premiere Creative also introduced influencer marketing into the mix as another way to promote their products to relevant audiences. Outside of social media, Premiere Creative further finetuned Urban Planet’s digital presence through SEO, blog writing, and PPC advertising. 

The Results: All this effort resulted in immense growth for Urban Planet. The engagement rate on their marketing campaigns increased to over 12%. Urban Planet also earned 12 million on buy online, pick up in store transactions thanks to the optimization of their Google My Business listing. Overall, Premiere Creative helped Urban Planet quadruple their sales, with 100 million dollars coming from online revenue within a 3-year period.