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Modern Meta Advertising Updates

Meta Advertising Tips

Nothing short of highly influential, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta (Facebook) solidified itself as an advertising necessity in today’s digital society. Businesses looking to reach their target audience – especially if they are a part of the younger generation – must check out all the opportunities to advertise on Meta and drive engagement. That said, being such an enormous platform, it proves difficult to navigate. After reading these Meta best practices, your business will become equipped to dive into the massive sea of Meta advertising.

In 2024, Meta evolved from a social networking platform to a force in digital innovation. Under its new identity, Meta embraces artificial intelligence and what it can do for companies across the globe. Along with their recent progress, Meta currently faces challenges in privacy and regulation. Despite these arduous obstacles, the social media experts at Premiere Creative devise strategies every day to keep your Facebook brand afloat in 2024.

Improve Your Success in 2024 with These Meta Advertising Tips

To achieve success in advertising with Meta’s many program options, it is important to consider what these services offer. Read about the tips provided below to stay up to date on all things meta-advertising and marketing in 2024.

1) Simplify Account Structure

Streamlining your campaigns can be the easiest way to simplify your Meta account structure. For campaigns inching toward the same goal, try consolidating them into a single campaign with multiple ad sets. By combining them, the auction will work better in your favor because it allows Meta’s algorithm to access a larger pool of data which reduces internal competition.

The auction outlines the process that Meta uses to determine which ads appear to users and when. Meta’s Advantage campaign budget helps to diversify spending across the ads performing well. This method saves you time and money by automatically determining which ads require more funding than others.

2) Test Your Audience (Advantage+)

Keeping pace with the recent boom in artificial intelligence resources, Meta introduced their unique tool. A more dynamic generative advertiser, Advantage+ determines your ad viewership based on the performance of your product/service rather than solely relying on fixed categories. With Advantage+, reaching your target audience through organic placement rather than sponsored placement is easier than ever. Advantage+ utilizes audience controls (set by your team) as criteria for hard suggestions (non-negotiable characteristics).

Some of these hard suggestions include age, location, gender, etc. Another way to generate a target audience is by creating a lookalike audience without artificial intelligence. This lookalike audience should resemble your current customer base and your best consumers in the past.

3) Make Creative Enhancements

Along with Meta’s artificially intelligent Advantage+, its subset Advantage+ Creative provides sellers with automated visual ad enhancement. Before we dive into the capabilities of creative AI, there are some things you can do on your own to increase visibility. First and foremost, make sure to always use high-quality images or videos. Along with the quality, ensuring they are relevant to the running campaign and optimized for mobile use is just as important.

Now, with the use of AI, the nitty-gritty details are easier to perfect. Advantage+ Creative automatically adjusts elements such as brightness, filters, music, labels, etc. After Advantage+ optimizes these ads, be sure to evaluate these changes with your creative team before posting.

4) Lead Generation Updates

This year, Meta introduced two new lead updates to their advertising capabilities: Conditional Logic and Rich Creative. Conditional Logic improves the quality of leads while making them more personal to the user. Based on user answers to certain questions provided by Meta, conditional logic provides them with leads that are significant to them.

On the other hand, Rich Creative makes ad designs more visually appealing to the user. This feature also gives more of an overview of the product or service, providing a description based on the user and incentives to purchase over a direct call-to-action. No matter which lead generator your brand gravitates towards, both options can increase conversion rates and customer engagement.

Privacy Concerns for Meta Advertising

Despite Meta’s impressive advancements this year, they are facing legal challenges over their new privacy terms. Under these new terms, the company uses both public and non-public user data collected since the birth of the company in 2007 to train its new AI models. This means that Meta’s intelligence machines can mine and extract any user’s photos, captions, and comments whether they are a private account or not.

In some countries, an option exists to opt out of this mining; unfortunately, the United States isn’t one of those countries. As a result, users in the U.S. aren’t as thrilled as some commercial workers are to get their hands on these new AI models.

Achieve Meta Advertising Success with Premiere Creative

Meta continues to evolve as a space for digital advertising, most recently with its use of artificial intelligence. Navigating this expansive platform can be challenging, but by implementing the best practices mentioned here, businesses can maximize their success on Meta. Even after facing privacy concerns, Meta’s advancements in AI and targeted advertising offer countless opportunities for organic engagement and conversions.

For help with your digital marketing needs on Meta and elsewhere, connect with the social media experts at Premiere Creative today! Dial (973) 346-8100 to schedule a consultation with our team.