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Why Summer Camps and Sleep Away Camps Need SEO

Most consumers turn to the internet to find information. If you are researching a company or business, it’s likely you use search engines to locate websites and information about them. If you’re a business, you probably know by now, the importance of a website. Summer camps are no different. Parents want as much detail about summer camps to ensure their children are in good hands and summer camp owners and directors need to be visible in web searches for parents to find them.

Since competition is fierce among summer camps, the best way to ensure your website is at the top of search results is to invest in search engine optimization. Here’s why:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is the idea of improving visibility of your website (and brand) in search engines through organic search results. It’s a known process that works.
  • Even if the process only partially works, it still works. For example: instead of delivering 35 or even 50 new campers, you get 10 new campers, you’re still earning revenue.
  • If your competitors are using search engine optimization or some form of web marketing, that’s still more than nothing, which means their brand will appear before yours. They will earn revenues that your camp could be.
  • Here’s a breakdown on how search engine optimization helps generate gross revenues:
    • Let’s say the average camper stays for 3 years at sleep away camp and 7 years at day camp
    • Split 10 campers by 5 year average at $4,000/camper =  $200,000
    • If your business if using SEO, that’s $200,000 in gross revenues
    • If your business is not using SEO, that’s a $200,000 loss in gross revenues, going to your competitors.

On top of those numbers, consider each parent telling a friend. Think about if each family had two or more children. Search engine optimization is effective and web searches prove it (along with revenues).