We’ve all used Google before to make a quick search about a random thought we had recently. Have you ever noticed the order of the results on the page? Well,
Unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand these last few years, you’ve no doubt noticed Amazon Advertising rocketing onto the world stage and threatening the Google and Facebook
Google, the world’s top search engine, serves as the go-to source for quality information, but it does not come without its problems. For a short period of time, if you
As Amazon continues to tighten its grip around global e-commerce, advertisers flock to its exploding advertising platform with massive budgets and uncertain expectations. Although Amazon delivers customers at unmatched scale, advertisers find
Google AdWords is not for the meek at heart. Whether you are new to the platform or an experienced user, Google AdWords is an excellent medium for raising brand awareness
A mere twenty years ago, hardly anyone could have imagined how Google would soon encompass our daily lives. We’ve certainly come a long way since Google launched its service; in
Have you noticed a sharp drop in traffic or a noticeable tumble in your search engine rankings? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, then there’s a chance
It’s no secret that content drives action on the web, it’s what attracts visitors to your website in the first place. But did you know that your content’s structure is
If you own a WordPress website, you’ve probably encountered the term “permalink” at one point or another. If you haven’t, a quick login to the backend of your website will
Are you a business owner looking to increase traffic to your website? If so, you may want to consider targeting Google’s answer boxes. There’s no denying the correlation between great