Because of the increasing influence that video has in search results and because more and more Internet searchers are watching videos returned in results, video can be a great driver
Capturing those clicks requires a lot of tweaking, but there are a few simple steps that you can use when you are first creating your Google AdWords campaign that will
In many cases it is considerably difficult to continue to generate new content day in and day out. With that being said many times content creatures may have to eventually
Up until recently Google+ Hangouts, and Google Talk were their own entities. Google+ Hangouts is a similar service to Skype, but allows for larger audience sizes especially considering users can
When search engines like Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista (R.I.P.) first started indexing the Internet, their algorithms rewarded sites that had many links to them from external sites (that was
Google Reader was a tool utilized by wide swaths of people (both in its hey day and at its demise) who used it to consume their favorite content on the
Chances are if you have been on the Google+ page of your favorite website or product, then on the site’s profile page underneath its name you have seen a little
Most companies have videos on their business or products on the web. Some even have these videos hosted on YouTube. Fewer have these videos promoted on YouTube, and it’s something
The first step to using Twitter as an optimization tool is opening an account. While Twitter seems straightforward, having a username and writing a few tweets does not automatically bring
One of the first things SEO experts evaluate on websites is the use of title tags. You can tell whether a website it being optimized or not just by looking