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Tag: Google Local


Why Google+ is Essential for Business Growth

In regards to engagement and active users, Google+ pales in comparison to social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter. Recently, Google streamlined Google+ to focus more on collections and
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HELP! I have too many Google Accounts (and some are duplicates!)

Realizing how important connecting your business to all of the various social media options that Google has (Google+, Google Local, YouTube) is something that many small businesses are finally coming
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The Difference Between Google+ Places for Business and Google+ Local

When deciding on what type of Google+ page to create for your business you need to take into consideration how active you want to be on Google+ with your page.
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Reasons to Add the +1 Button to your Website

The +1 is basically Google+’s way of liking something. The button allows users to +1 content that they like, and then share that content through their own Google+ profile. This
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Reasons to Verify Your Website on Google+

Chances are if you have been on the Google+ page of your favorite website or product, then on the site’s profile page underneath its name you have seen a little
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The Latest Updates with Google Places and Google+

Google. Everyone knows it; everyone uses it. However, not everyone knows what to do when Google changes the rules or makes an error. There are a few things Google has
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