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Tag: Conversion Rate

Content Marketing

Important Content Marketing Metrics to Track in 2024

Ask any SEO expert, and they’ll tell you that tracking the right metrics can make or break your content marketing strategy. The year 2024 is no exception to this rule.
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Amazon Sponsored Products

7 Mistakes to Avoid in Amazon Sponsored Products Campaigns

In the realm of Amazon, advertising plays a pivotal role in business scaling. And it’s no secret that the lion’s share of sales belongs to Sponsored Products. However, crafting an
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Amazon ACoS

How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Amazon ACoS

Amazon PPC, or pay-per-click, is a suite of advertising products on Amazon. The structure of a PPC campaign is such that the advertiser is only charged when a potential buyer
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try before you buy

Is ‘Try Before You Buy’ Right For Your Business?

It is no secret – companies struggle to adapt to the changing landscape in the retail industry. Large eCommerce websites, like Amazon, keep changing the retailing landscape, while traditional brick-and-mortar
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Using Retargeting to Increase Website Engagement

At times, it may seem like your web-browsing experience feels a bit too personal. Ever notice advertisements about products you recently searched for on Google (even as far back as
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What is Retargeting?

Most who sell a product or service believe – or want to believe – that buyers follow a straight and direct path when making a purchase. The prospective buyer visits
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The Best Advertising Idea Facebook Has Had in A Long Time!

Over the past few weeks Facebook has rolled out a new form of advertising for its clients.  Custom Audiences combines the power of email marketing with the virality of social
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