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Why Link Building is Important

Last time we talked about how fresh content can help you out in your search engine marketing goals. As you probably already know, link-building is crucial for SEO. Because links are such a critical component of web marketing, we’ll spend the rest of this blog discussing the various types of link building strategies that can boost your rank in search engine results pages.

Natural link-building growth

Some people, in an effort to rush/optimize their content marketing progress, will schedule a specific time each day to create a certain number of links, or they might block out one week each month to cram in lots of backlinks. Although it is definitely a good idea to schedule specific blocks of time to focus on your web marketing goals, you should avoid creating the same number of backlinks at the same time every day, week, or month. Backlinks that are created at the same time every day might look artificial to search engines. In addition, when lots of links are built in a short period of time, that also looks suspicious. The lesson? Spread out your backlinks so that it looks more natural.

Diverse backlinks

Similar to how you want to vary the number of links you build each day, you should try to vary where your backlinks come from. Instead of just submitting your site to an online directory, branch out and build backlinks through social media, guest blogs, etc. Having backlinks from different sources will improve your search engine marketing more than having backlinks from just one source.

To really get the most juice out of your links, try to get backlinks which have their own set of backlinks. This will improve your web marketing because a backlink that has several of its own backlinks will be viewed as more important by search engines than a backlink with zero backlinks.

Another (unexpected) way to boost your content marketing is to link to a relevant authority website. Doing so can increase the legitimacy of your site to both users and search engines. And of course, if you can get a backlink from an established authority source, that will help your SERPs a lot. However, it takes time and work to get a link from authority sites, so creating an outbound link to an established source is one simple way to help increase the trustworthiness of your site in the search engine’s eyes.

In summary, two effective things to keep in mind when thinking about search engine optimization are fresh content and natural/diverse/credible backlinks.