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Tag: Branded Content

Marketing Internship

Meet Premiere Creative’s Roster of Interns for Summer 2024

Premiere Creative goes beyond offering a typical digital marketing internship; we offer a transformative journey for budding digital marketers. We crafted our intensive summer internship program to equip college students
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Summer Digital Marketing interns 2023

Meet Premiere Creative’s Brilliant Summer 2023 Digital Marketing Interns

Premiere Creative doesn’t just offer any ordinary digital marketing internship; we extend a transformative experience for aspiring digital marketers. Our 12-week internship program is designed to empower college students with
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Launching Your First TikTok Ad

It’s time to jump on the TikTok Ad bandwagon! Do you want to boost your online presence and connect with a whole new generation of people? TikTok grew exponentially over
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YouTube SEO

How to Optimize Your YouTube Channel for SEO

When you have questions, where do you turn for answers? For quick and concise solutions, most people will type a search query into Google, or ask virtual assistants like Alexa
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What Happened to The Beautiful, Branded Tabs on my Facebook Page??

Oh Facebook how you toy with us.  Anyone who has a Facebook Business Page to manage has likely been notified (via pop ups on the site) that the streamlined appearance
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How to Secure Your Brand Name on Google+

Google released some impressive numbers regarding their social media site Google+.  There are 540 million monthly active Google+ users.  While this means that 540 million people interact with Google+ in
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