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Tag: Blogging

Content Marketing

How to Make Your Content Stand Out

Content marketing is no longer an option: If you want to have an online presence, you must create new content. Reports show that 88% of B2B businesses use content marketing
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ABCs of Marketing

The ABCs of Marketing

Marketing has evolved quite a bit over the last few years. New terms, trends, and concepts have emerged, which has fundamentally changed the marketing landscape in 2016. The good news
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Content Marketing

Why Your Content Marketing Isn’t Working

Over a decade ago, Bill Gates offered marketers invaluable advice: “Content is King.” This still rings true as nearly 90% of businesses utilize content as a marketing method. Despite its
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3 Overlooked SEO Blogging Fundamentals

Despite having a presence for years, Search Engine Optimization is finally gaining momentum and popularity, especially among small business owners. In 2016, business owners are fully aware of search engine
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SEO is an Ongoing Investment — There Is No “Set It and Forget It”

Your website was built and optimized using SEO best practices and now someone has raised the issue of ongoing SEO.  For many businesses, this is a confusing proposition.  Why does
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White Papers

Web Marketing: Blogs vs. White Papers

Let’s first establish what a white paper is and why it is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. By definition, a white paper is a report on a
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Content is King: What Does This Really Mean?

Over a decade ago, Bill Gates uttered a phrase that changed the entire marking landscape: “Content is King!” This is the typical response given to clients or perspective clients on
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reputation management

Reputation Management for Online Business

Online privacy and discretion seem to be a major focus for people these days, as the pendulum starts to swing regarding personal information available online.  It was reported by Search
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How Your Website Content Can Keep Working For You

In many cases it is considerably difficult to continue to generate new content day in and day out. With that being said many times content creatures may have to eventually
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What Does The End of Google Reader Mean for My Business Blog?

Google Reader was a tool utilized by wide swaths of people (both in its hey day and at its demise) who used it to consume their favorite content on the
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