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Tag: Amazon Seller Central

Amazon CLV

The Importance of Customer Lifetime Value on Amazon

With more importance placed on eCommerce giants like Amazon, mastering Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) isn’t just a strategy—it’s a game-changer for success. At Premiere Creative, we champion the transformative power
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Amazon Suppressed Search

How to Fix Suppressed Search on Amazon Listings

Amazon, a vast marketplace with millions of sellers and products, makes it difficult to distinguish your products from the growing crowd. When your listing gets suppressed, it then disappears from
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Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day 2024: How Sellers Can Prepare

Prime Day 2024 is predicted to be one of Amazon’s biggest eCommerce events of the year. In July 2023, Amazon Prime members purchased more than 375 million items worldwide, making
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Amazon Branded Tailored Audiences

Amazon’s Branded Tailored Audiences: Redefining Email Marketing for Sellers

In 1978, Digital Equipment Corporation sent out the first mass marketing email to 400 potential clients, resulting in $13 million in sales. For the past 45 years, inboxes all over
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Amazon Sponsored Brand Video Ads

Understanding Amazon Sponsored Brand Video Ads 

In a world where attention spans are fleeting and visual content reigns supreme, these video ads have emerged as a powerful tool for brands to captivate audiences and drive engagement
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Amazon Coupons

Mastering Amazon Coupons:  A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers 

Step into the dynamic realm of eCommerce, a fiercely competitive landscape where Amazon sellers relentlessly pursue success. Introducing Amazon Coupons. These dynamic promotional tools wield the power to not just
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Amazon Buy Box

The Amazon Buy Box: A Guide to Skyrocketing Sales

In the vast and ever-expanding realm of eCommerce, mastering the intricacies of the Amazon Buy Box is akin to securing a coveted front-row seat to a blockbuster show. Positioned prominently
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Amazon Sales

Simple Tips for Boosting Your Amazon Sales

With a commanding force in the eCommerce market, every digital seller should eagerly jump on the Amazon bandwagon. With access to a massive 310 million active users, failing to dip
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Holiday eCommerce Storefront

Prepping Your eCommerce Storefront for the Holiday Season

Despite bringing in a wave of new customers, the holiday season introduces stress for eCommerce businesses as they prepare for the busiest shopping time of the year. Many companies will
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Global Amazon Marketplaces

The Top Challenges in Entering New Global Amazon Marketplaces

As your storefront on Amazon continues to gain traction, you probably want to bring your products to the international online market. The more exposure you have, the better chance you
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