Unlike traditional print advertising, social media is interactive and successful campaigns rely on established trust. Becoming a valuable part of the online community is not a hard science; social media depends on networking.
To get the most out of networking, you’ll want to connect with social media influencers.
What’s a social media influencer?
A social media influencer is similar to a section editor on a newspaper or magazine staff. Their focus is narrowed to a certain topic (eg: arts and entertainment, opinions, fashion, real estate, etc.), and their job is to curate the best content from the web. Many influencers follow an industry’s big fish to monitor trends and look for little fish that have potential.
How do I attract social media influencers to my page?
Twitter and blogospheres are ripe with influencers looking to catch the next trend. Keeping up-to-date with blog posts and following influential people in your industry will attract influencers to your brand. If you have something unique or on-trend, tweet about it and have your followers retweet your posts. Link your blog and blog posts on Twitter. Make sure social media influencers see that you are keeping up with the latest industry information.
What happens when I get social media influencers?
As with any acquisition, you must manage influencers. There are tools like HootSuite and Sysomos Heartbeat that allow users to schedule posts and interact with the online community across many social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.). These programs make it easy to manage and maintain a social media presence both before and after influencers come your way.
Is there a way to evaluate my social media progress?
Yes! Tools like Klout and Kred provide analytic reports on your social media presence. Additional resources like iUnfollow will tell you if users unfollowed your Twitter. Steady growth in following, friends, and comments always indicate a healthy social media presence – one that is sure to attract influencers.