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Amazon SEO: 5 Crucial Factors to Know

Amazon SEO

Welcome to the bustling online marketplace known as Amazon. Whether you’re a new seller, an established eCommerce business, or a seasoned digital marketing professional, you must master Amazon Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to succeed.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of Amazon SEO, providing insights and strategies you need to enhance your product listings, boost your search rankings, and ultimately drive more sales. Join us as we explore the fundamentals and advanced techniques of Amazon SEO, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-growing marketplace of Amazon.

The Basics of Amazon SEO

Search engine optimization describes the process of optimizing online content to improve ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). SEO aims to attract organic (non-sponsored) visits to a webpage.

Amazon SEO involves optimizing your product listing to ensure your brand gains visibility and traffic. Amazon’s search engine ranking determines how likely a consumer is to buy a product. Keywords and a multitude of other factors determine this ranking

Google vs. Amazon SEO

Google and Amazon’s search engines share similarities. Both prioritize keywords, quality, and overall optimization. While the engines are alike, they also harbor a major difference. Amazon’s search engine is based on user transactions. Alternatively, users searching for various topics, including information and locations, shape Google’s search engine.

Now that you understand the basics of SEO, let’s dive into five critical factors regarding Amazon SEO.

What about the Amazon A10 Algorithm?

Amazon’s algorithm (A10) crawls the marketplace and ranks products. If A10 deems your listing quality content, your product will rank at the top of Amazon’s search engine. Here are a few key facts about A10:

  • A9: A10 is essentially an evolution of A9. While the algorithms are similar, there are key differences in how they rank.
  • Organic Sales: The A10 algorithm values sponsored sales were less than A9 did. To gain the most traction in search optimization results, avoid sponsored ads.
  • Seller Ethos: Amazon’s algorithm holds seller credibility in high regard. Unlike A9, A10 considers the quality of all products, customer feedback, and similar factors.
  • Seller Stock: Amazon A10 considers stock when ranking products. To optimize ranking, pay attention to your product’s stock.

The Crucial Factors Affecting Amazon SEO

Successfully navigating Amazon’s marketplace requires more than just listing your products. To truly excel and outperform your competition, you must understand and leverage the critical factors that impact Amazon SEO. These elements are not just the building blocks for increased visibility but are also essential in converting browsing into buying.

1. Keywords

Keywords galore! Keywords are arguably the most important factor in Amazon SEO and SEO in general. Amazon’s Algorithm A10 is to thank. A10 will crawl your product listing and determine if it’s relevant to a user’s search. If you fail to use relevant keywords, A10 will not direct traffic to your listing. Below you will find a bullet list of the distinct types of keywords.

  • Short-Tail Keywords: This refers to phrases between one to two words that describe a broad topic. Examples of short-tail keywords include running shoes, bathing suits, kitchen collection, and more! These keywords guide A10 to general products.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: These keywords are essentially the opposite of the previous. Long-tail keywords refer to specific multi-word phrases. An example could be “vegan probiotic travel packs”
  • Branded Keywords: Branded keywords include a company’s name as part of the keyword. Examples of these include HexClad pans, L-Arginine supplements, Nuvana vitamins, etc. These keywords direct customers who are interested in a specific brand’s product.
  • Backend Keywords: Backend keywords are hidden keywords. You can find these terms in the backend of your Amazon account. These keywords tell A10 where your product listing target.

Now let’s discuss where you should put keywords. Keywords should be placed in the product title and descriptive bullet points. By doing so, you optimize search results.

2. Avoid Keyword Repetition

Continuing from the first point, you must avoid unnecessary keyword repetition. The A10 algorithm aims to promote and rank high-quality content. Using the same keywords, the A10 algorithm will not crawl your product posting.

This is because Amazon penalizes keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing refers to the excessive use of the same term to exploit the A10 algorithm. Failing to diversify your keywords will damage your Amazon SEO rank.

Even if keyword stuffing penalties didn’t exist, would you want a redundant product listing? The main goal of Amazon is to appeal to all customers and sell your premium products. By using repetitive terms, viewers will notice the lack of quality, and creativity, or simply have trouble comprehending what they see.

3. Research Amazon Competitors

Thanks to your newfound knowledge of keywords, you may be wondering where you can find them. The best way is to research your rivals’ keywords and borrow them. This approach isn’t cheating or stealing; it’s smart. Your competitors use those keywords for a reason. They use them because A10 values them, which attracts more customers.

Don’t get it twisted, this isn’t advocating for you to completely duplicate your rivals’ keywords. To further bolster your Amazon SEO rankings, you should add your unique keywords. You can separate from rivals by utilizing long-tailed keywords and branded keywords.

4. Use High Quality Images on Amazon Listings

Now that you have the rundown of keywords, let’s discuss another crucial factor for Amazon SEO. Similarly to keywords, high-quality images boost your Amazon SEO rankings. Here is a bullet list of paramount factors regarding images.

  • A10 Algorithm: The A10 algorithm focuses not only on keywords, but A10 also analyzes images when crawling products. To achieve favorable Amazon SEO rankings, ensure your images are of premium quality.
  • Click Through Rate (CTR): CTR is critical in driving listening visits and ultimately product sales. Consumers are more likely to click on a high-quality photo when scrolling through the marketplace. That’s why your product photos must reflect your product’s quality.
  • Brand Image: Your product photos reflect the item and your entire brand. Great companies use product photos to highlight professionalism and attention to detail. Premium images will bolster your Amazon SEO rankings and improve your brand image.

5. Utilize Amazon SEO Tools

Amazon SEO tools help optimize product visibility and monitor competitor behavior. These tools suit businesses ranging from start-ups to well-established companies. If you aren’t concerned about spending money, these tools provide a perfect alternative to monitoring Amazon SEO by hand. Here are a few Amazon SEO tools:

  • Helium 10: Experts consider Helium 10 to be one of the best Amazon SEO tools. The product offers features such as product and keyword research. Cerebro is Helium 10’s most notable feature. With its reverse ASIN lookup tool, Cerebro helps users discover what keywords rivals are utilizing. One downside of Helium 10 is its higher price compared to other options.
  • Jungle Scout: Jungle Scout serves as another popular Amazon SEO tool. This service features an extensive product database and ease of use. Like Helium 10, Jungle Scout is more expensive than similar products. However, ease of use can make the price point worth it.
  • Analytic Index: Users utilize Analytic Index for eCommerce sites like Amazon and Walmart. This product doesn’t only offer Amazon SEO features like keywords and product research. It also offers valuable features like comprehensive market and advertisement data. Analytic Index primarily targets larger companies, which is its main downside. This focus can make the learning curve steep for smaller businesses.

Let Premiere Creative Supercharge Your Product Listings with Proven Amazon SEO Tactics

As you navigate the ever-expanding Amazon marketplace, it’s essential to focus on these crucial factors when optimizing your product listings. By strategically leveraging keywords, high-quality images, competitive research, and SEO tools, you can significantly enhance your visibility, attract more customers, and drive sales.

For more in-depth information on Amazon SEO, general SEO, and digital marketing strategies, visit Premiere Creative’s website. If you’re ready to partner with industry-leading digital marketing experts, contact Premiere Creative at (973) 346-8100. Let us help you achieve unparalleled success in your Amazon journey.