The first obstacle is NOT if SEO works, but whether you, the client, feel retaining Premiere is the right decision. Premiere didn’t invent SEO and it clearly works (look at all the competitors you have who are trying to rank on first page in Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc). We cannot guarantee you will get a specific rank or clients (beware any one who does!), but Premiere can guarantee your site will rank, your site will rank for many different keywords, and your site will eventually appear on page 1 for different keyword terms. Will that lead to clients, yes. Could it yield 3-4 a month? Maybe, but consistently with all of our clients, Premiere would expect inquires of that level on an active basis within a few months. Nor would we be surprised if it was 3x, 16x or 85x that many as the program progresses but only time will tell. Finally, many factors are involved in why some clients have bigger exponentially results including but not limited to: their monthly budget with Premiere, the industry they are in, the amount of demand or supply for their product or service, pricing/fee for their products/services, the size and quality of their website, the web usability of their URL, their competition levels and more. If Premiere could tell you what will happen (guarantee), you wouldn’t be our client ~ we would be too busy controlling the internet.
Premiere has designed and placed thousands of print ads in the last (17) years in consumer or trade magazines and newspapers for clients ~ a full page color ad might cost $1,500 to $12,000+/month. We’ve seen many clients embark on this path and generate simply a few new leads per month from the media effort. While keeping your brand within the consumer’s mind is important, with a search engine optimized website, Premiere can generate thousands (or tens of thousands) of visitors per month for the same budget. When we do the math on a small scale for the above budget, we see two things:
- Traditional advertising: 3 leads at $500/lead.
- Web: 500 leads at $3/lead.
The math is straight forward, more volume of leads, lower cost per lead. Statistically and financially, this gives you a stronger ROI and a greater chance at generate more revenues.
Web marketing is statistics 101. Let’s say your website has 400 visitors/month and that creates 10 new customers per month for your business (2.5% conversation rate). Now you engage in a highly articulated web marketing program geared to bring in more “warm” leads. The new program helps you now generate 2,000 visitors month to your website. Those additional 1,600 leads are better quality “potential” clients because Premiere is targeting your customer’s specific interests with keywords that correlate to their searches. Therefore, we expect (2) things to occur because of your more articulate web marketing program.
- Higher conversion rate of new customer than the original (2.5%) conversion
- More sales: a greater number of overall sales because of the volume of visitors.
At 2,000 visitors/month to your website, assuming your conversion rate remained at (2.5%), your conversion rate would yield 50 customers, 40 more than the original 10 you were getting. However, since the web marketing program is more focused, the conversion rate should be higher at say a 3% conversion that creates 60 new customers per month, an additional 10 more than anticipated.
Traditional advertising (tv, radio, outdoor signage, direct mail, consumer and trade ads, newspapers, etc) was the staple of our client services for more than 17 years. The problem however if you are a small business, is it’s very hard to stand out in a world of 4,200 marketing messages per day (research shows the general consumer is targeted all day long) . Small businesses don’t have Nike, GE, Victoria Secret or Coke budgets, so you need to think aggressively about your website and making it visible using internet marketing, so it becomes viable. By viable we mean producing sales leads and revenue streams.
Really? And they probably don’t have cell phones or use or read social media like blogs? Everyone uses the Internet, social networking dominates the landscape, it doesn’t matter who you are. People buy things online, they read about news and sports, they follow their hobbies, read blogs, Facebook and do 100,000 other things. If you need to know something, you research it with the net. The real challenge is to understand WHERE your prospects and clients spend time online, what they are interested, and how to better target them using search engine marketing. When you hire Premiere, we do just that, laser in on possible prospects, and start turning them on to your site, brand, products and services so you can sell them and make new revenues and relationships.
We love word of mouth, it’s been good for our business too. But it’s really the slowest form of organic growth because it relies on others to talk about your business, products and services. Referrals and word of mouth techniques apply very well to the net, they are not unique. Premiere can begin promoting your good name, services and products so that reviews appear not just on your site or a local platform, but in hundreds of the platforms across the internet. Don’t wait for the referral to come to you, let us start promoting it and sharing it, so prospective customers can find it, feel good about it, and take the action to call you, visit your site, email you, etc.
If they can’t find you, they can’t buy from you, but they are buying from your competition (who they find). Therefore, the first thing Premiere does with all of our clients, before we do any form of search engine marketing, is help them understand and identify where their revenue stream comes from currently, where it could come from and how to get there. We do this by looking at data that search engines provide about traffic flows, keywords searches, established competitors, etc. While this may seem obvious, 9 out of 10 times, after talking with clients, we find significant differences between what the client has in mind, versus what the client does, and versus what the client’s marketing materials and website project or fail to project. Perception is reality. Often Premiere will fix or modify your content; then we can start the process to getting you, our client, into those areas on the internet that can produce new leads, transactions and revenues. One of the best ways, is to begin with search engine optimization (SEO) and/or blogging.
Most of our clients as the content marketing program begins to take shape and solidify, an ROI of 12X to 250X (big range, bigger budgets). So if the client is spending $2,000 a month, most of our clients are generating at least $20,000/month or more (some over a million) in gross revenues each month. Some clients are reporting more than a few thousands new customers per month (our largest clients) whereas our small business clients are telling us maybe 10 to 20 new clients per month. We have some client’s spending less than a $1,000 a month generating 62X ROI, and other client’s spending $10,000 a month generating $400,000. Every client is different, but every client we have agrees that it works and they want more results (phase 2 of the relationship, bigger is better).
You need marketing collateral, logos, your website, your microsites, your other sales channels, etc that make your company, product, and services look serious and professional. When you spend the money, and invest in your business, it makes you look good at every level. It’s not enough to have a website, it has to be well designed, articulate, with good structure, and easily to navigate ~ even blog marketing is necessary. Mediocrity is expensive so don’t be surprised if you have to spend more or pay another designer or developer to redo what was already created. For example, one of the biggest challenges in web-based marketing is to drive qualified traffic to a website (SEO or blogging). But all to often the sites don’t really convey the right image or material, so CONVERTING that lead (web visitor) is rather challenging. If you spent $2,000 or $5,000 to build an uninformative website with only 5 pages, would you be interested in working or hiring or buying from such a company? Make the commitment to invest in your business and customers will too.
86% of all people turn to the web first when they need any type of information, whether that is navigation, informational, or transactional. When you build a full scale website (30 pages or more), you have the opportunity to fully inform and educate potential customers of all the facets within your business. Good web design shortens the sales cycle, gains consumer or businesses trust, and demonstrates quality and expertise. Premiere knows from experience and results that having an appropriate website leads to many forms of engagements with customers including phone calls, visits to your business, email inquiries seeking appoints or more information, and unique dialogues, signs up for newsletters, watching of videos, participating in social media, and much more ~ all measureable and important in leading from an online action to an offline interaction. You don’t have to sell online to educate and engage customers ~ you are competitors are doing it, why don’t you want to?
Not a problem, that’s why you are hiring Premiere. We develop the information structure tied to your revenue streams, build the site, focuson the web usability, write the copy, do the SEO each month, ghost write the blogs ~ with your approval. It doesn’t matter that we may not be fully knowledgeable about your industry – we didn’t know that much about medical malpractice, bridal dresses, entertaining 30 children for a birthday, how to plan roses, or why Botox makes you look better. That’s why Premiere needs you to read what we craft and sign off for accuracy. Your goal is to run your business, not become a web marketer.
That’s a shame but it is not an indication of the web’s failure to produce. It’s an indication that you may have chosen the “wrong” agency to help you because the agency lacked the appropriate web design skills, chose the wrong strategy, or could not execute the appropriate and necessary ideas. Many people dated, before they married. Most everyone in the world fell off their bike more than a few times when they were 5 or 6 or 8, but most people can ride really well as adults. Nobody could swim the first time they went into a pool, lake, sea, or ocean but most of those people learn to swim and so do their kids. We don’t give up just because we didn’t find the right partner or failed the first time we were not successful at a task. Bad experiences or the wrong experience is not an implication of a system failure. Try a keyword or term in Google that applies to your business. Do you see your company in the results? That’s the failure Premiere wants to fix and the sooner the better.
Absolutely, search engine optimization takes time for a number of reasons. Search engines don’t look at your website every day (well if you are CNN they do), so most web sites are getting indexed every 4 to 6 weeks (Page rank of 0 or 1). Work has to be done to stimulate that process both on-page, and for links to be created off-page to correlate to your web content. Further, search engines are wary of sites that get hundreds of back links overnight (think link farms). A methodical process needs to be in place, backlinks needs to be manually created with appropriate anchor text, and most importantly, be fine-tuned. All too often the keywords clients think are important, don’t produce quality traffic, they just give you good rank. Good results for most small businesses start to happen around month 3 or 4 of a web program, but are stronger at month 6 thru 8, and accelerate from month 9 and beyond. Have clients reported revenues and success in early on? Yes, but this is a basic guideline, where each instance is different and unique because of factors like page count, web design usability, number of competitors, geography, and more.
See: my customers don’t spend time on-line. Doesn’t matter rich or poor, middle class or royalty, the web is universally accepted as the defacto for navigational, informational, or transactional sources of information. People are looking they just don’t find you, they find your competitors and transact/interact with them instead. Why are you unintentionally giving revenues to your competition?
Cost is relative. When you look at Premiere’s service relative to the revenues it will generate on a monthly basis, and the profit you our client will retain, typically it can be as small as 1-3 new customer’s per month to see an ROI. Premiere’s goal is never this modest, of course. Sometimes, clients look at the costs of web marketing planning and are dismayed because they have genuinely felt what they did in the past was just as opportunistic or would produce desired results. Premiere’s clients are satisfied and excited by our relationship because Premiere’s programs have consistently produced quantifiable quality traffic and revenues and new relationships. Of course you can always throw money at the problem (hire a new salesperson) but that’s typically far more expensive, significantly less productive, and adds to your already burdened managerial workload. Let’s rephrase your original question: What’s my alternative? If you, the marketing director or business owner, don’t do anything, what will change in your business? Will you get more accounts or clients simply by word of mouth? Do you generally believe the economy is going to change this year or next? You need to actively engage in a process and the WEB is clearly the least expensive and most productive method. We know this because Premiere has done every form of advertising over the last 17 years.
In an effort to help you change, improve, and grow your business, Premiere typically asks a number of questions at the onset to any relationship. The more you share, the greater chance of our success. They would be as follows
- 1) What do you hope to achieve by working with us?
- 2) What is your target market?
- 3) Are there any particular demographics to your business
- 4) Are there any particular geographics to your business
- 5) Which revenue channel/silo is brings in the largest percentage of revenues?
- 6) Which revenue channel/silo is brings in the most profitable type of revenues?
- 7) Are you planning or implementing any new changes to your business now or in the next 12 to 18 months?
- 8) Do you have any internet marketing in place? Please elaborate and identify your satisfaction level and results achieved
- 9) What were your gross revenues for the last two calendar years
Spending less, getting more ROI
We provide clients with great value. Are we the cheapest agency you can find? No way. But you will not find a less expensive agency that can match our creative and marketing solutions, our experience, our process and our results. We ensure your marketing dollars are spent effectively. That means you can spend less and get a bigger return on your investment – a bigger bang for your buck.
We understand the bottom line, and we judge performance by results. Single minded focus – top line revenues; strengthening and extending the brand.
Areas We Service
Our office is located in Millburn, New Jersey and we service many small and big local businesses in Millburn, Short Hills, Summit, Chatham, Maplewood, Union, Green Village, East Hanover and all surrounding towns near you. We also have large number of customers in the NY Metro area, NYC, Long Island, Connecticut as well as other states all the way to California.
It’s time to expand your online outreach! Dial (973) 346-8100 to schedule a call with our marketing team!

We’re in the business of your success.
Make this year the year you build digital equity by showcasing your business with effective digital marketing and experience exponential growth.